Commercial real estate in Kemerovo added 4% in value

 According to the Otelit and RID Analytics companies, in the first half of 2024, the average price of an offer for the sale of commercial real estate located in Kemerovo increased by 4%. The rate of price growth accelerated in the second quarter of this year, the price added 2.6%.

For comparison, over the entire previous year, the prices of shopping facilities increased by 2%. The period of the last significant increase in prices in Kemerovo was in 2012-2014, when the increases were from 7% to 17%.

Other segments of the Kemerovo real estate market showed more modest dynamics in the first half of the year: office real estate added 3% in value, and production and warehouse real estate showed practically zero results.

“During the first six months of 2024, the most significant increase in prices took place in the Leninsky district – by almost 12%. As a result, the gap in average prices between the Central and Leninsky Districts has narrowed a bit,” commented Yevhen Burdenyuk, director of the “Atelit” company.

The situation in the rental market of commercial premises is similar to the sales market: in the first half of the year, the average rates for premises offered for rent increased by 4%. So far, this is the most significant dynamic over the past three years.

However, against the background of other segments of the real estate market, it looks weak: for six months, office real estate increased in rates by 6%, production and warehouse – 7%. In general, industrial properties appear to be the most dynamic market in recent years: for 2022 they added 10% in the rental rate, for 2023 – 9%. This year, if the growth momentum continues, a record could happen.

“The regions of Kemerovo showed multidirectional dynamics in terms of the growth of average rental rates. If in the Zavadsky, Kirov and Leninsky districts the rates have grown significantly for six months – from 12 to 15%, then in the Central, on the contrary, there has been no growth, “- said the head of RID Analytics Alena Yermalayeva.

In Novokuznetsk, the dynamics of the commercial real estate market in the first quarter of 2024 are weak: the offer prices have practically not changed. On the rental market, rates increased by 3%, and the average rate was 612 rubles per 1 sq.m. meter per month.

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